Community Events




Military Support

Every Tuesday is "Thanks a Vet  free Coffee and Donuts"  from 7:00am to 11:00am at the American Legion Tatem-Shields Post 17 at 622 Atlantic Ave, Collingswood,NJ 08108.  Any questions call Bob at (609) 220-6377

We continue to send CARE boxes to the Deployed Military Troops.
We are Collecting ITEMS  (List Below)  or    POSTAGE FUNDS  for Shipping  Cost of Care Packages  for Our DEPLOYED Active  Duty U.S. Military Troops!!
WHERE:    the PARKING LOT of the American Legion POST 281 Stetser-Lamartine,   (where we normally 
                   meet)   intersection of Black Horse Pike. & Chews Landing Rd, Gloucester Twp, NJ
WHEN:    PLEASE CONTACT KAREN FOR DATES,  Starting at 6:00pm  until  7:30pm
WHAT:        Trunks of our Cars will be Open for DROP-OFF.    One Car will take Food and SnacksOther Car will take Toiletry Items     (Please Separate your Toiletries From the Food/Snack items   Thank you!)
Care Box Items needed:
Almonds, Cashews, Mixed Nuts, Peanuts or Sunflower Seeds
Beef Jerky, Pepperoni stick or Slim Jims
Chap stick,    Travel Size Shampoo or Lotion,   Toothpaste & Toothbrush, non-aerosol Sunscreen
Coffee   or      Tea Bags - VERY small boxes
Comics from Sunday Newspapers
Cookies & Crackers,  small packages
Crossword or Sudoku Puzzle Books
Flip Flops for the shower,  large sizes for men & women, any color
Granola Bars or Power Bars or Pop Tarts or Peanut butter Cracker packs
Gum & Hard Candy or Lollipops
Individual drink mixes (dry Gatorade, Kool Aid, Tea/with sugar)
Pens & Pencils
Trail Mix
Tuna, Salmon, Chicken, Spam (in the foil pouches)
Uno, Yatzee, other small games
White COTTON Adult Socks, above the boot style /calf size not crew or ankle socks
  New White "to the calf" Cotton Socks
  Small Hand Held games:  Uno, Cribbage, Yoyos, Harmonicas, Peg Games, Dominoes, small jigsaw puzzles, etc,
  Boxes of Assorted Chocolates (like Russell Stover, Whitman)
  Candy Canes
  Hard Candy
  Sudoku or Crossword books
  Small cans of Nuts
**we need names and addresses of those deployed out of the USA
 Lastly, we continue to Collect Food to help Local Active Duty Military Families: (Please check Expiration Dates
              Cans of Tuna and Jars of Mayonnaise
           Boxes of Cereal,  Bottles of Apple Juice, Poptarts
           Box of Pasta/Macaroni/Spaghetti and Jar of Sauce
           Peanut Butter / Jelly or Jam or Marshmallow Fluff
           Cans of Soup & Crackers
QUESTIONS?    Know Anyone Deployed?    Please Contact: Karen Jennings, Marine Mom,
Office: 856-783-1953 Cell: 609-206-2015