
Abundant Blessings

Chairperson, Lora Benson

Mission Statement
The Abundant Blessings Ministry purpose is to express and share God's love by: visiting and praying with the sick and shut in; by administering monthly communion to them and by sharing the sanctuary flowers.

Our goal is to recruit men and teens to the ministry. To reach out to those who are unable to attend Church and especially to those who are in Nursing Homes, Hospitals, and those who are shut-in in their homes as well as to each other.


We currently minister at the following Nursing Homes:

  • Elmwood Facility (Lakeland) - 2nd Saturday in January, April July and October at 2:00 PM
  • Laurel Manor (Stratford) Nursing Home - 1st Saturday in February, May, August and November at 2:30 PM
  • Kresson View Center in Voorhees - 2nd Saturday in March, June, September and December at 2:00 PM

Our quarterly meetings are held on the 1st Saturday's in February, May, August and November at 11:30 AM at the Church

Business Administrator

Mark Bryant

The Business Administrator is responsible for conducting the business affairs of the church in an ethical and business-like manner.  The individual in this position works closely with the Finance Ministry in all matters related to the day-to-day administration of church affairs.






Children's Ministry

Chairperson, James Vaughn


Church Council

 Chairperson,Dawn McLeod

Debra S. Bulter

Admin Asst to Pastor Clifford Still Sr.

Lay Leader  (VACANT)

Our mission:
To be accountable and serve as the Executive Agency of the Charge Conference, overlooking the administration and organization for the ministry of the congregation.

Our Purpose:
To keep in touch with the current reality of the congregation and help them to articulate their vision. To encourage people in their spiritual transformation and growth, as they live out their lives as Christian Disciples.



Chairperson, Kevin Foster - Webmaster

     Keesha Plenty -Social  Media

To serve the church and its members by providing comprehensive communication planning in developing and implementing specific plans for marketing, event publicity, public relations and to help with the vision and mission of the congregation.


  • Implement the communication needs of the church.
  • Publish a monthly newsletter.
  • Edit and manage the administration of the church web site.
  • Assist program staff with public relations needs and with developing and implementing plans for communicating programs and special events.
  • Develop and maintain a good working relationship with members of radio, newspaper and other news media.
  • Host various health seminars for the church and the community.

The communication ministry involves itself in many things; sharing the church's story with the public, creating an image of the church and the congregation, building community within the church which creates excitement and builds pride in the church. We attempt to maintain two-way communication (story telling and story listening) with the congregation through our newsletter. Also, we provide information to the congregation on an array of topics that assist in making informed decisions. The promotion of church-related events and opportunities to church members to obtain their participation or involvement is a large task of this ministry.


Disaster Relief


Chairperson, Captain William Plenty, Lawnside Police Dept.

The purpose of this ministry is to establish procedures and guidelines for handling potential disasters that might occur during worship service, ministry/committee meetings or during any time the church and/or its physical plant(s) are being used. Mt. Zion United Methodist Church assumes the legal, ethical and moral responsibility for the safety and well-being of all those who assemble, with evidence of a carefully prepared up-to-date contingency plan.

The ultimate goal is to make sure that a plan is in place to provide the safety and well-being of all who are in attendance at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church.

This ministry has met with Fire Marshalls, Township Officials, Fire & Police personnel along with representatives from local churches and schools in order to coordinate a workable plan in the event of a disaster.


Finance Committee

Co-Chairperson, Dorothy Harper


Treasurer, Angela Wright
Financial Secretary, Joyce Rogers

Our mission:
The mission of the Finance Committee is to provide financial support to the ministries of Mt. Zion United Methodist Church.

Flower Ministry


Chairperson, Cheryl Garrett  
Our Mission:
Our weekly arrangements are offered to the altar in prayer. We assist and prepare floral arrangements for the Healing & Recovery members of our congregation. We offer services to other ministries in the church for the building of the kingdom.

Our goals at to continue to create special floral arrangements and corsages for special celebration and holidays. To continue in creating a book of pictures depicting weekly arrangements for our ministry's growth and development. To schedule annual Floral Workshops with a floral professional for enhanced training. To continue to provide weekly floral arrangements for the Healing & Recovering members of Mt. Zion whom are hospital bound, nursing home bound and/or home bound.

The lovely floral arrangements are intended to capture the beauty of life, to beautify the Lord's Temple and to place a stem of joy in the hearts of our members.

The Flower Ministry holds meetings on the third Saturday of each month.

"I am the Rose of Sharon, and Lily of the Valleys"
Song of Solomon, Cant. 2:1

Girl Talk

Chairperson – Stephanie Lewis


Is about creating an environment for women young and old
from all walks of life to come together, share life experiences
and find out who they are in Christ at the same time.

Life is a Blessing, and it's hard, but we don't have to do it without Jesus!

Monthly sessions happen because You want them to…

Topics are discussed because You want to talk about them…

We are women that Support, Care, and Pray for one another…

Be Amazed that your struggle isn't Unique and we are All connected…

Come Talk, Listen, Share and; don't forget to bring a Friend!


Higher Education and Campus Ministry


Co-Chairpersons, Robert Horne, Sandra Still and Alison Turner-Sills

"For the Lord gives wisdom and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding".
Proverbs 2:6

The pathway to success often goes through college. College is a time and place where students ask hard questions: Who am I? Who am I called to be? What should I do with my life? College includes a search for knowledge, for beauty and for a vision of what the world could be. We're involved in higher education because more and more of our students and church family are entering into college. We're not only affected by higher education, but we also have a stake in it. College trains our community, nation and world decision makers. We need to continue to encourage, nurture and to incorporate Christian and humane values into their decisions. We are called to witness to the love, compassion and concern of God.

Higher Education & Campus Ministry
Faithful people - Grooming faithful minds - For faithful lives
Meetings are held every fourth Saturday of the month - 9:30AM


Hospitality Ministry

Chairperson, Ruby Peters


It is our goal to Welcome visitors and share the joy of our Lord through worship and teaching. We want to encourage others to be a part of a loving, spiritual family, dedicated to reaching out to all in need of care and spiritual healing. We invite you to join us as we, by our examples, inspire all to love and serve Him. If you have been searching and praying for a place to belong, we want you to know that Mt. Zion has been waiting for you. Welcome to Mt. Zion!


  • To provide a team to greet each person entering the church.
  • To provide welcome brochures to every visitor who worships with us; Following up with the visitor with an acknowledgement card.
  • To serve as host/hostess for scheduled church events, as requested.
  • To assist the Pastor in providing assistance to bereaved family members.

The Hospitality Ministry holds meetings every third Saturday of the month.


Koininia Praise In Motion Drama Ministry


Cheryl Garrett


Membership Ministry

Co-Chairperson, Joyce Sheed and Katrina Lasiter


Our mission:
The mission of the Membership Ministry is to make each new member feel welcome into the body of Christ and to our Mt. Zion Church Family.

During this time of welcome, new members are made aware of the various ministries available at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, and are encouraged to participate in the ministries that spark their interest.

New Members are asked to complete a brief survey that includes general information which is added to the church registry. This information is also utilized to help give insight into individuals potential spiritual gifts that may enhance current ministries and to provide spiritual encouragement.

We are disciples of Jesus Christ, saved by grace, committed to serving humankind in any way that enhances the spiritual, physical and social well-being of us all.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you".
Matthew 28:19-20

Mentoring Ministry

Director, Robert Horne


The Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Mentoring Ministry was given birth when the words of our Lord and Savior, "Suffer the little children come unto me", had spiritual meaning to a group of men who realized that they had to be at the hand of Jesus to receive and love our children.

The mentoring seed was sown in the year 1990 and with God's rich soil, fertilizer and sunshine warmth, it has blossomed to over 65 mentors and 110 mentees, both representing several communities and schools in the South Jersey area. Mentors work one-on-one, at the high school and elementary level, with over 30 mentees addressing educational and personal needs. At both levels our goal is, within a spiritual context; work with each student to facilitate academic and social success, to achieve graduation at each level and on to post high school education, if possible. Progress reports and report cards are distributed to mentors for mentor-mentee conferences. Tutoring is also provided. Other developmental efforts consist of workshops designed for personal growth, a dictionary program and a host of group activities.

The ministry has been blessed because here, at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, are child loving individuals who come forth to help mold the lives of our young through mentoring.

Music Ministry

Coordinator, Kathy Hymes –



James Vaughn                          Mrs. Ann Clark


   "O sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things". Psalm 98:1

Our Mission:
o glorify our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through song in worship and praise.

Our Goals:
To sings songs that will inspire the hearts, souls and minds of the church community. Through lifting our voices before God, it is the prayer and hope that the people of God will feel a connection to the Spirit of God through song and praise.

All choirs are voluntary and if you have a desire to sing unto the Lord, there is a choral group for you!

The following list details the choirs and the day and time of rehearsals:

  • Sanctuary Choir, Saturday, 10:00 AM
  • Echoes of Zion (children), Saturday, 11:00 AM
  • Men's Choir, Tuesday, 7:00 PM
  • Mass Choir, Tuesday, 8:00 PM
  • Youth/Young Adult Choir, Wednesday, 6:00 PM
  • Gospel Choir, Wednesday, 7:30 PM


Outreach Ministry

Chairperson, Stephanie Lewis


Our Mission:
Express the love of Christ for others through acts of sharing and service. To perform charitable services to those most in need in a supportive and compassionate manner.

Our Vision:
Establish and reform a community that promotes unity by breaking down barriers and allowing an overflow of love, support and the message of God's salvation through Jesus Christ to all people. We will serve families and individuals unmet spiritually, physically and emotionally that they may be transformed by the power of Jesus. They will become fruitful, prosperous and whole in body, mind and spirit. We will recruit and equip others in becoming committed to becoming disciples.

Our Goals:
To solicit funding and support from the Church family, area businesses and corporations to assist with the growing needs of the community and surrounding areas.

"Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; not slothful in business, fervent in spirit serving the Lord. Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing instant in prayer. Distributing to the necessity of saints; given in hospitality". Romans 12:10-13

Meetings are held every other month.


Staff Parish Relations

Chairperson, Chris Raines


The Staff Parish Relations Committee is of the believe that the current position of the church in the lives of its membership is but a prelude to the position that the church should maintain in our lives. Thus, in support of the overall mission of the church to make disciples for Jesus Christ of its membership, the mission of this committee is to provide leadership and assistance in elevating this church in a manner consistent with that which God envisions.

The genesis of this committee is synonymous to the advent of the Human Resources function with the secular world. As such, the major components of our mission, parallels that of a Human Resource Department. The committee maintains a significant role in the life of the church with regard to the acquisition and discharge of employees.

Equally important is the Staff Parish Relations Committee's function as a conduit for concerns that develop between staff and membership, or membership and staff; the pastor and staff or staff and the pastor; membership and the pastor or the pastor and membership; etc. This committee "prayerfully" mediates, facilitates and orchestrates complexities that develop within the life of the church in an effort to foster "loving peace", harmony and God's will in the life of the church.

The significant difference in this committee's function, from that of its counterpart in the secular world, is housed in our vision to operate under the direction of God during the celebrations and the disappointments that are inherent in life, as well as in the life of our church.



Chairperson, Donn Scott


The mission and vision of the Stewardship ministry is consistent with both the vision and mission of Mt. Zion United Methodist Church. This ministry seeks to foster and encourage good stewardship among all persons within the church. The good steward is one whose actions are in alignment with God; who is the Creator and "Owner" of all that we as stewards manage. The Stewardship Committee has the responsibility to help the whole church "community" understand this responsibility and develop attitude focused on the welfare of the entire community. All persons within the community are encouraged to become more faithful and effective Christian stewards which include our time, talents (gifts) and possessions.

Some of the activities of the Steward Ministry include:

  • Planning and promoting an agenda for developing Christian Stewards.
  • Promote spending, saving, investing and giving consistent with a Christian lifestyle.
  • Invite persons in the congregation to explore tithing.
  • Create within the congregation a deepening commitment to personal and Corporate Christian Stewardship.

The response to the invitation to Christian Stewardship is part of an on-going faithful and spiritual journey that deepens and matures.


Sunday School

Superintendent, OPEN

Assistant Superintendent, OPEN


To provide a sound spiritual foundation for all children through bible study, and to train the children in the Methodist Theology of John Wesley.

Our activities include:

  • Vacation Bible School
  • Easter Program
  • Christmas Program
  • Student Recognition Day

We have an open invitation, at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, for Sunday school attendance. Our classes range from pre-kindergarten through high school. Adult Sunday school classes are also provided. All Sunday school classes begin at 8:30am through 9:45am, and a light breakfast is provided. Transportation (limited) services are available.

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth".
3 John 1:4

Task Force Stewards Ministry

Chairperson, Renee Walker        

Our Mission:
is to win souls for Christ, by walking circumspectly before the world, so that mankind will see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven.

The Task Force Stewards of Mt. Zion United Methodist Church are responsible for preparing the communion elements and assisting the Pastor with the serving of communion, monthly and as needed, within the church and to members within the community, nursing homes, hospital or home-bound.

Our Task Force Stewards assist the Pastor with baptismal and blessing rituals.
An annual Maundy Thursday Program and dinner is sponsored in remembrance of the Lord's Supper and foot-washing that or Lord and Savior gave His disciples.

A memorial service, honoring our deceased members with lighting of candles is performed, annually. Each year the seniors of Mt. Zion are honored with a Christmas Luncheon that is sponsored by the Task Force Stewards.

"An as they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it, and gave to them, and said, Take, eat: this is my body."

"And he said unto them, this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many."


Trustees Ministry

Chairperson, Merritt Gibson, Sr.
Vice Chairperson, Howrhu Self



Secretary, Chris Harper

Carol Conaway
Bruce Trotter
Sound System Equipment, Merritt Gibson, Jr.
Church & Meeting House Usage, Robert Horne
Church (upkeep),  
Church & Meeting House Usage, Malcolm Still
Grounds & Cemetery,  
Meeting House upkeep/Supplies, Kenneth Wright, Sr.

Mission Statement:
To manage all temporal concerns of the church. We shall maintain the church, meeting house, parsonage and any other property obtained by the church and make improvements to said property when necessary.

To properly care for all investments and support the vision and mission of Mt. Zion United Methodist Church.


United Methodist Men

Chairperson, Donn Scott


Our Mission:
The Mission of the United Methodist Men is helping men grow in Christ so others can grow in Christ. We believe that our relationship with God determines our relationship with others and the boundaries of our church's property line will not determine the breadth, scope and reach of our ministry.

A significant part of our ministry beyond fellowshipping and encouraging each other is reaching out to others. Major events within the church include an annual Men's Day and an annual men's cookout. This past year, Men's Day was expanded to include two spirit-filled revival nights. The men's outreach of Mt. Zion United Methodist Church includes supporting the Lawnside School by providing a student designated by the school with a computer, school supplies and assisting with renovations when needed. Additionally, the men of Mt. Zion consistently support the church's Thanksgiving and Christmas outreach campaigns among other ministries.

Meetings are held the third Saturday of each month.


Women of Faith

Chairperson,  The organized unit of the Women of Faith is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship, and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

As United Methodist Women, we are reminded of helping women to grow as persons in the community through their understanding and willingness to participate in the global mission of the church. Also, we are reminded of our heritage, women who pioneered in service for the church, at home and abroad. The Women of Faith were known as United Methodist Women, the Ladies Aid or Parsonage Societies. Members are encouraged to support the programs through prayer, financial contributions and acceptance of leadership responsibility.

We encourage women to join with us in membership through their pledges. Saying "yes" to membership  offers the possibility of incredible involvements, new experiences and maybe even an adventure. These are just a few ways to practice our faith.

Our unit at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church supports missionaries in Liberia, Redbird Missions, Ronald McDonald House, scholarships for the School of Christian Mission for Youth and the Neighborhood Center in Camden, NJ. We are able to meet these goals through financial contributions and special events. Membership is an ongoing process and we welcome your support.

The meetings are held the second Saturday of each month, and we extend an invitation for you to come and join us!


Usher Board

Chairperson, Elaine Harper


Our Mission:
To provide a sincere genuine welcome, and to ensure the accommodation of comfort and safety to those who worship with us. To glorify God through service and extend the service to the church community, by fulfilling the duties and privileges of serving as an usher.

Our Goals Are:

  • To provide a service that is acceptable to God in serving the congregation as an usher.
  • To anticipate and respond to any needs that the Pastor may have during worship service.
  • To assist with the worship service in creating a structured and pleasant atmosphere.
  • To assist in maintaining a clean and safe sanctuary.
  • To prepare as ushers to oversee and handle all kinds of situations that may arise in the course of a worship service.

The members of the Usher Ministry at Mt. Zion find it an honor and privilege in serving as ushers. Our ministry is one of welcoming and insuring comfort and safety for all who come to worship God. Every aspect of preparing the church for worship service is addressed prior to the start of service. Quite often, the usher is the first person a worshiper encounters at church, and the ushers at Mt. Zion earnestly attempt setting the tone for the day and dictating the kind of worship experience the worshiper may have. We understand that the entire experience is about serving God in the ministry of ushering in a place where the people of God gather to worship and be the community of faith.

We have an annual usher's day, during Sunday worship service, where we fellowship with other ushers from several counties in the state. Throughout the year, we visit and extend our services to other usher boards with their "special days". Any service that is held at church has representation from the usher board.

Meetings of the Usher Board are held the fourth Monday of each month.

"For a day in the courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. Psalm 84:10


Worship Committee

Chairperson, Alison Turner Sills /Pauline King


Mission and Vision: Our mission is the mission of the church - To make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our responsibility before God's people, as leaders of our church is to:

  • Assess current ministries.
  • Publish a monthly newsletter.
  • Develop plans of action for a shared vision with the leadership of our Pastor.
  • Monitor the progress of our plans of action.

With this charge, we should always be attentive to the heart and will of God in fulfilling the mission of the church.

Inclusive in this committee, is the responsibility for:

  • Praise and Worship Devotional Leaders.
  • Children's Moments Presenters.
  • Planning and coordination of services for the Christian year.
  • Planning and coordination of special services.

Our Foundation Scripture: "I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect". (Romans 12:1-2, NRSV)

"Christ is for Us - and We are For Christ"
The Presence of Christ is the Joy of our Lives!
The Service of Christ is the Business of our Lives!
The Will of Christ is the Law of our Lives!
The Glory of Christ is the Crown of our Lives!



Co-Chairperson,  James Vaughn


Our Mission:
To enrich the lives of young people through the teachings of Jesus Christ, while fostering their social and cultural growth with service projects, group outings, spiritual retreats and interactions with other churches, civic and outreach groups.

Mt. Zion UMC Youth Ministry meetings are held the first three Saturday's of each month, beginning in September thru June. Our meetings are from 6:00PM-8:00PM and the ministry is open to any youth in grades 9 through 12 and any MEMBER of Mt. Zion United Methodist Church in the 8th grade.

The Youth Ministry attends a three-day youth conference in Ocean City every September, which is the kick-off for the new year. We will be going on a mission's trip each year within the United States, extending help and service where there is the most need. This year we were privileged to lend a helping hand at an Indian Reservation School in Arizona. Each year, the Youth Ministry of Mt. Zion sends two youth to Taine, France, with the United Methodist Conference, on a spiritual retreat. We do community service, as well as assist the Outreach Ministry with a Christmas Food Drive.

Our meetings consist of Bible Study, discussions on current events in the world as well as discussions about health, college, finance, sports and any and all issues that may arise.